Shepherding a Child’s Heart—Parent’s Handbook



The Parent’s Handbook is not just a fill-in-the-blank study guide that rehearses the material in Shepherding a Child’s Heart. In the ten years since the publication of Shepherding, Tedd Tripp has had the opportunity to teach on childrearing to thousands of young parents across the country and in many other parts of the world. That, coupled with ten years of insights into God’s Word on the subject, has resulted in a broader and deeper understanding of the content and application of Shepherding a Child’s Heart. Here are questions about the meaning and application of Scripture texts to the challenges of shepherding children.

There are sections of Bible study, application, strategic questions to help parents commit to change, and gospel encouragement that you can be a better parent because of the power of grace working in you. The Parent’s Handbook is a valuable tool for personal or group study.

Sections include:

  • The Big Idea: Highlights and summarizes the main point
  • Digging Into the Word: Scripture passages with questions for thinking and reasoning
  • Application: Helps apply biblical principles to the parenting task
  • Strategic Questions: Helps parents make necessary changes toward biblical parenting
  • Concluding Thoughts: Scriptural encouragement for putting these ideas into practice